Black Woman Praising, Man kneeling at the Cross, Black man with hands open, Prayer & Praise, Online Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Prayer is Important To Us

First African Baptist Church believes in the power of prayer. Please let us know how we can pray for you below. Please fill out the information below and make your requests known to God and to us. We will gladly pray for you. Please feel free to join us for corporate prayer in-person on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. When you submit a request, please mark if you want it to be private or if you want it to be displayed on our website. There are many people that come by this website and that are willing to pray for you. We are praying for and with you and we hope that your prayer request turns into a praise report.

Also, feel free to type in your praise report! Has the Lord been good to you and you want to testify? Let us know that too. You have the same options as the prayer requests in terms of privacy.

**Please Note: If you choose "Yes" to "Display on Website" and click "Contact ME" your contact info will NOT be shared with your prayer request/praise report to the website. Your Name will be the only thing that is Shared**

**We also ask that if you choose to remain nameless (anonymous) and post your prayer request/praise report on the website, please put your name as "God's Child".**

If you would like to be contacted, we ask that you make your prayer request/praise report private by clicking "No" on the "Display on Website" option and putting in your contact information.

**Please note that Submitting a Prayer Request or Praise Report does not mean that it will appear on the website. There is an approval process at the discretion of the Webmaster.**

For Those That Love to Pray & Praise: The prayer requests and praise reports will post underneath the form below. If you are praying for or with them, please click the "I will pray" button found underneath their prayer request. Click "Amen!" to praise with someone for their praise report.

Immediate Request

More Information Coming